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String of Pearls Theory, Creative Genius, & More

Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 242 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Wednesday. Join the 57,887 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content,

just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • mldsa
  • ,l;cd
  • mkclds

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of"

nested selector


One Quote:

"I want to risk hitting my head on the ceiling of my talent. I want to really test it out...I don't ever want to fail, but I want to risk failure every time out of the gate." - Quentin Tarantino

Without risk of failure there is no glory of success.

Do hard things.

(Share this on Twitter!)​

One Framework:

String of Pearls Theory

Stutz is a 2022 Netflix documentary directed by actor Jonah Hill that takes a deep dive into the life and teachings of his therapist, Dr. Phil Stutz.

The film has a very rare 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes for good reason—it is exceptional in its exploration of a variety of tools and frameworks on life and career.

One very interesting theory covered: the String of Pearls.

Stutz draws a string of pearls on a piece of paper.

Each "pearl" is an action taken, with each action having equal value. No action is more or less valuable than any other—all actions are to be celebrated as an important part of creating the string of pearls.

The important point here is just creating an identity around taking the action:

"I am the person that puts the next pearl on the string.”

Just as we learned from the Parable of the Farmer and the Horse, we don't need to place judgement on whether any action is "good" or "bad"—we just need to take the action and let it be.

No action is completely perfect—no action is completely imperfect. Every action has the same value. Every action is a pearl on your long, ever-expanding string of life.

Lesson: Each and every single day, add one perfectly imperfect pearl to your string.

One Tweet:

There is something special about seeing a creative genius in flow.

The most important lesson from watching this video: Creativity doesn't magically appear, it is a byproduct of movement and creation.

Start moving and good things will happen.

One Article:

Choose Good Quests

Really neat piece that breaks down the need for smart, capable people to pursue "good" quests in life.

They define good quests as follows:

"In the most simple terms possible: a good quest makes the future better than our world today, while a bad quest doesn't improve the world much at all, or even makes it worse."

I love videogame-life analogies, so this article stood out. While I don't agree with everything the authors said—I think it's up to YOU to determine what is a "good" quest for your life—I love the general concept of gamifying life and pursuing exciting journeys and missions.

So what quest are you embarking on today?​

One Podcast:

Timeless Wisdom for Leading a Life of Love, Friendship, & Learning

Terrific conversation from 2021 between Leon Kass and David Brooks. Leon Kass is a biologist and philosopher who has studied one question throughout his career:

What does it mean to live a meaningful life?

Lots of interesting insights in this one, including on the topics of career, friendships, romance, and higher purpose.

Worth your time if you're searching for your next good quest.

Listen to it here.

String of Pearls Theory, Creative Genius, & More

Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 242 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Wednesday. Join the 57,887 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content,

just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • mldsa
  • ,l;cd
  • mkclds

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of"

nested selector


One Quote:

"I want to risk hitting my head on the ceiling of my talent. I want to really test it out...I don't ever want to fail, but I want to risk failure every time out of the gate." - Quentin Tarantino

Without risk of failure there is no glory of success.

Do hard things.

(Share this on Twitter!)​

One Framework:

String of Pearls Theory

Stutz is a 2022 Netflix documentary directed by actor Jonah Hill that takes a deep dive into the life and teachings of his therapist, Dr. Phil Stutz.

The film has a very rare 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes for good reason—it is exceptional in its exploration of a variety of tools and frameworks on life and career.

One very interesting theory covered: the String of Pearls.

Stutz draws a string of pearls on a piece of paper.

Each "pearl" is an action taken, with each action having equal value. No action is more or less valuable than any other—all actions are to be celebrated as an important part of creating the string of pearls.

The important point here is just creating an identity around taking the action:

"I am the person that puts the next pearl on the string.”

Just as we learned from the Parable of the Farmer and the Horse, we don't need to place judgement on whether any action is "good" or "bad"—we just need to take the action and let it be.

No action is completely perfect—no action is completely imperfect. Every action has the same value. Every action is a pearl on your long, ever-expanding string of life.

Lesson: Each and every single day, add one perfectly imperfect pearl to your string.

One Tweet:

There is something special about seeing a creative genius in flow.

The most important lesson from watching this video: Creativity doesn't magically appear, it is a byproduct of movement and creation.

Start moving and good things will happen.

One Article:

Choose Good Quests

Really neat piece that breaks down the need for smart, capable people to pursue "good" quests in life.

They define good quests as follows:

"In the most simple terms possible: a good quest makes the future better than our world today, while a bad quest doesn't improve the world much at all, or even makes it worse."

I love videogame-life analogies, so this article stood out. While I don't agree with everything the authors said—I think it's up to YOU to determine what is a "good" quest for your life—I love the general concept of gamifying life and pursuing exciting journeys and missions.

So what quest are you embarking on today?​

One Podcast:

Timeless Wisdom for Leading a Life of Love, Friendship, & Learning

Terrific conversation from 2021 between Leon Kass and David Brooks. Leon Kass is a biologist and philosopher who has studied one question throughout his career:

What does it mean to live a meaningful life?

Lots of interesting insights in this one, including on the topics of career, friendships, romance, and higher purpose.

Worth your time if you're searching for your next good quest.

Listen to it here.