How to Measure Your Life
Today at a Glance
- You're measuring your success in life based on the wrong—or at least an incomplete—thing: Money. Money isn’t nothing— it simply can’t be the only thing.
- You need a new scoreboard: A new way to measure your life, a new way to define success on your own terms. The Wealth Score is your new way to measure your life.
- Where your old, default scoreboard was entirely based on money, this new one offers a comprehensive way to look at how you measure your life across the key pillars that define a truly wealthy existence: Time Wealth, Social Wealth, Mental Wealth, Physical Wealth, Financial Wealth.
- To get you started, I have created a simple quiz to establish a baseline Wealth Score. Everyone should start here. This baseline will be what you measure your progress against as you build and balance your life across the seasons to come. Take the Wealth Score Quiz now!
What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
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How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Here's a harsh truth of life: You'll never feel successful unless you create your own definition of success.
Most people subconsciously define it around financial metrics: Some arbitrary annual income level, the achievement of a net worth target, or the ownership of some item.
You're measuring your success in life based on the wrong—or at least an incomplete—thing: Money.
Money isn’t nothing— it simply can’t be the only thing.
When a measure of performance becomes an explicit, stated goal, humans will prioritize it, regardless of any associated and unintended consequences. You blind yourself to everything else, focusing on the single measure, the single battle, no matter the costs elsewhere. Every new promotion, pay raise, and bonus feels like a win as you ignore the painful losses of a much more important war slowly slipping through your fingers.
The war is about happiness, fulfillment, loving relationships, purpose, growth, and health. If all the battles you’re fighting are exclusively about money, you may win these battles, but you will lose the war.
You need a new scoreboard: A new way to measure your life, a new way to define success on your own terms.
Today, I'll share just that...
The Wealth Score & Quiz
The Wealth Score is your new way to measure your life.
Where your old, default scoreboard was entirely based on money, this new one offers a comprehensive way to look at how you measure your life across the five key pillars that define a truly wealthy existence:
- Time Wealth: Freedom to choose how to spend your time.
- Social Wealth: Connection to others.
- Mental Wealth: Purpose, growth, space.
- Physical Wealth: Health and vitality.
- Financial Wealth: Money (and an awareness of enough).
To get you started, I have created a simple quiz to establish a baseline Wealth Score. Everyone should start here. This baseline will be what you measure your progress against as you build and balance your life across the seasons to come.
Take the Wealth Score Quiz Now!
The quiz has five statements for each type of wealth.
For each statement, choose a response between Strongly Disagree (0), Disagree (1), Neutral (2), Agree (3), and Strongly Agree (4). The portal will automatically total your scores within each type of wealth and across all of them.
The maximum score for each type of wealth is 20 (you strongly agree with each of the five statements), and the maximum score overall is 100.

At the end of the quiz, you will receive your Wealth Score, along with a personalized visualization that will provide a unique, clear view to understand the strengths and weaknesses in your starting point.
Screenshot the visual and score to save it. You can and should come back to this visual in the future to track your progress, just as you might track your financial net worth using an online tool.

The entire quiz should take no more than five minutes, though you will definitely find yourself thinking about the questions and discussing them with others in the days and weeks ahead.
If you're coming together with your family or friends for the holidays, share the quiz with everyone, spark a lively discussion on what "success" truly means, and create a plan for improving your score in the weeks and months ahead.
I'm thrilled to share this with all of you. This is what The 5 Types of Wealth is all about: a new way to measure your life, because when you measure the right thing, you take the right actions and create the best outcomes.
Reject the default, live by design.
So, how wealthy are you?
Take the Wealth Score Quiz Now!
P.S. If you find this quiz interesting, please share it with others. I'm on a lifelong mission to positively impact one billion lives with this message of redefining what a wealthy life looks like. We're just getting started and I could use your help!
Share to Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or anywhere else.