How to Create Your Own Luck
Today at a Glance
- Last weekend, I experienced an overnight success that was years in the making. It was a seemingly lucky break that had very little to do with luck.
- The story of how it happened carries several important lessons for life—principles any of us can apply to create more luck in our own lives.
- 4 principles to create more luck: (1) Increase your luck surface area, (2) Work hard in the darkness, (3) Shoot your shot, and (4) Follow through.
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It was an overnight success years in the making.
Last weekend, a famous investor shared a glowing endorsement of my book that sent it skyrocketing up the charts.
But in this story, the WHAT is much less interesting than the HOW. It was a seemingly lucky break that had very little to do with luck.
The story of how it happened carries several important lessons for life—principles any of us can apply to create more luck in our own lives.
The Crazy Story of My Lucky Break
In January 2023, I was visiting my grandmother in India when I suddenly got a flurry of text messages and notifications.
"Wow, have you checked Twitter?"
I popped open the app to see that a legendary investor named Bill Ackman had shared one of my older threads.

As someone who spent most of his career in the world of investing, I was very familiar with Ackman's track record and prominence.
More importantly, I had a genuine admiration for his independent thinking, which had led him to take several strong, contrarian stances in the past. It had made him something of a polarizing figure, but I don't think you have to agree with everything someone says for you to respect their courage to say it.
So, in that moment, I decided to take the opening and shoot my shot:
First, a public reply...

And a private follow up with a direct message...

To my surprise, he took me up on it, putting me in touch with his team to coordinate a lunch at his office.
A few weeks later, I was in the room.

As I had mentioned in my original DM, I had no specific intention for the meeting, so we just started chatting about life, family, and exciting projects.
He was more interested in asking questions about me than talking about himself (a rare trait for a billionaire!), which led to my telling him about the book I was working on.
He told me he'd love to read it when it was ready.
To be honest, I assumed he was just being nice given how many things he has on his plate, but I made a note that said "Book follow up!" in the pocket notebook I carry to all my meetings.

Following the meeting, I stayed in touch on a variety of topics, keeping him updated on my progress and sending him a few things I thought he'd find interesting related to our original chat.
In January 2025, two years after the original meeting, I mailed him a copy of the finished book and sent a message to let him know it was on the way.
He reiterated that he was looking forward to reading it, but again, I assumed he was just being nice.
That is, until last Saturday evening, when my phone yet again lit up with messages and notifications.
"Wow, have you checked Twitter?"
I popped open the app and saw this:

"I like asymmetric investments and I don’t know of a better return than this book. Read it. You will thank me and Sahil."
As the post amassed 3 million views, my book skyrocketed up the charts.

By the next morning, The 5 Types of Wealth was the #2 book on all of Amazon, ranking ahead of Onyx Storm, Hunger Games, Atomic Habits, and more.

I don't know how long it will last, but I do know that this one event fundamentally changed the trajectory of the book—and thus, the scale of the impact it can create in the world.
It was a lucky break four years in the making...
4 Principles to Create Your Lucky Break
There are four key principles underlying my crazy story that anyone can apply to create their own lucky break:
1. Increase Your Luck Surface Area
None of this would have happened if I hadn't hit SEND on the original tweet thread in November 2021.
You can take deliberate actions to expand the surface area on which lucky events can strike in your life:
- Go out and meet new people, create new collisions
- Create, write, and share your ideas on the internet
- Send one cold email or DM per day
- Spend more time around optimists and big thinkers
It's hard to get lucky watching TV at home. It's much easier to get lucky when you're creating motion in the world.
Remember the Luck Razor: When choosing between two paths, choose the path that has a larger luck surface area.

2. Work Hard in the Darkness
The most important, and likely overlooked, part of this story:
Throughout the entire four year period from the original tweet thread to the public endorsement, I was working.
I wrote every single day. I haven't taken a vacation, I haven't missed a newsletter issue, I haven't called in sick. I worked in the darkness when no one else could see it but me.
I created a "product" that was worthy of those words.
I didn't know any of this would happen, I just know that nothing bad ever comes from working hard on things you care about.
The most dangerous person is the one who is willing to show up and do the work even when the rewards are uncertain.
3. Shoot Your Shot
Closed mouths don't get fed.
If you want something, and you've done the work to deserve it, go ask for it.
Worst case, you're told no, and you're right back where you started. Best case, it's yours.
Never say no to yourself.
Shoot the damn shot.
4. Follow Through
After you shoot, make sure you follow through.
My lucky break wouldn't have happened if I hadn't followed up to stay in touch over the intervening two years.
Find simple ways to stay in the game...
- Share occasional updates on the progress on your end
- Send the person an article/book/podcast they might find valuable
- Mention work they've done that you've enjoyed (for example: if you listened to them on a podcast, highlight a particular idea they shared that you appreciated)
...and then, when the time comes, deliver on the big thing as promised.
Don't leave it to chance: Make a note of the things you need to remember to follow up on. Then, actually follow up on them.
Note: The Social Wealth Guide section of my book has a set of creative follow-up ideas to help you build these professional relationships. Order it here.
How to Get Lucky
Luck is an outsider's perspective.
It's what we call it when someone else experiences a positive event that we cannot explain from the outside looking in.
But you are the insider in your own life.
You know the truth: Sometimes, luck's got nothing to do with it.
You're one year of focus away from people saying you got lucky.
Remember that.