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The Grow30 Challenge

Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 242 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Wednesday. Join the 57,887 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content,

just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • mldsa
  • ,l;cd
  • mkclds

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of"

nested selector


Framework to start 2025 with growth:

The Grow30 Challenge

January 1 always marks a special opportunity: An opportunity to build momentum and kickstart your journey toward your vision for the future.

Unfortunately, as we all know, most of the time, our ambitious list of New Year’s Resolutions quickly becomes a list of regrets by the second or third week of the month.

I’ve been there: My list of failed resolutions is long and painful.

But there’s a secret cheat code that we all have access to that will keep us on track to execute: Accountability.

So, this January, I invite you to join me and many others for a journey to growth, leveraging the power of community accountability.

Welcome to The Grow30 Challenge:

5 simple daily actions for 30 straight days, specifically designed to create dramatic progress across the five key areas that contribute to a high-performing, healthy, wealthy life.

Every single day, you will complete the following:

  1. Time Wealth: 30 minutes of focus work on your priority tasks.
  2. Social Wealth: Text, call, or connect with one new or existing friend or family member.
  3. Mental Wealth: 5 minutes of free-form journaling.
  4. Physical Wealth: 30 minutes of movement.
  5. Financial Wealth: 10 minutes of learning or skill-building.

By the end of the challenge, you will have built incredible momentum:

  • 900 minutes of focused work will create dramatic progress
  • 30 social interactions will drive new feelings of connection
  • 30 journaling sessions will improve your clarity and mental health
  • 900 minutes of movement will improve your physical health
  • 300 minutes of learning and skill building will set you up for new growth

The Grow30 Challenge has just three simple rules:

  1. Every day, you have to complete all five actions (you are the judge, this is your life, so it's an honor system).
  2. Send a photo completing one of the actions with the word “Done” to the community chat when all five are completed.
  3. Leave a 👏 on someone else’s photo to support others in the community.

We have a bright year ahead of us. Let's start it with a bang. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

To join the official challenge and get started:

  • Step 1: Order one copy of The 5 Types of Wealth. The timing is perfect, as the book will arrive right when you finish the challenge, arming you with the information and actions to continue on your growth journey.
  • Step 2: Submit your information and order number at the link below and you’ll be sent the access details for the private challenge community, as well as a detailed guide and Grow30 Challenge Tracker.

SPECIAL NOTE: I will be donating all of the royalty proceeds from the book sales for every participant who completes The Grow30 Challenge to a charity of the community's choosing (ideally one supporting children's education). Let's grow together and make the world a better place while we do it.

Join The Grow30 Challenge!

Question to uncover the answers in life:

What answers are hidden in the actions you avoid?

Here's a powerful truth: Every single thing you want in life is on the other side of something you don’t want to do.

The answers you seek are found in the actions you avoid.

It's tempting to think that you can plan your way to a better future—that you can sit where you are and plot the perfect course.

But there is no escaping these truths:

  • The body you seek is found in the workouts you avoid
  • The relationships you seek are found in the hard conversations you delay
  • The clarity you seek is found in the walks you skip
  • The purpose you seek is found in the focused work you neglect
  • The success you seek is found in the hours of execution you put off

What are the answers you are currently seeking in your life?

Is it possible that they're simply hiding in the actions you're avoiding?

The answer is found in the action. Remember that.

Quote on the power within:

"You've always had the power, my dear. You just had to find it for yourself." - Glinda the Good Witch, The Wizard of Oz

The power is always within you.

The hard part is remembering that in the moments when you need it most.

(​Share this on X/Twitter!​)

Old story I found interesting:

I recently came across the story of the Scorpion and the Frog:

A scorpion is sitting on the bank of a river, unable to cross to the other side because it can’t swim.

The scorpion sees a frog in the water and asks, "Can I ride on your back to get to the other side?"

The frog is understandably hesitant and replies, "No, you’ll sting me!"

The scorpion was ready for this concern and answers, "No, I wouldn’t do that, because if I sting you, we’ll both drown."

The frog, convinced by this response, agrees to the arrangement, but when they're halfway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog in the back.

As it starts to sink, the frog asks, "Why did you do that? Now we're both going to die!"

With its last breath, the scorpion shrugs, "I couldn’t help it. It’s my nature."

The most common interpretation of the story is that we should trust in our intuition about the danger someone poses to us. The frog's instinct was correct, but it was swayed by the words of the scorpion, which put it in danger. The scorpion is the person whose nature makes them dangerous to you. Never let their words convince you otherwise.

I'd like to add one additional thought to the conversation:

We are all scorpions in our own way. We have certain aspects of our nature that are likely to be dangerous to someone else out there if we allow them to be.

But we should never hide behind our nature. We should never say "I couldn't help it. It's my nature."

You are not your nature. You are your actions. You are in control. You get to choose. To hide behind our nature is to give up our power. Take back that power.

Fun read filled with random facts:

52 Things I Learned in 2024

I look forward to this list from Tom Whitwell every single year. It's filled with interesting (and very random!) learnings that are fun to browse through.

A few favorites from this one:

  • To highlight tax evasion, South Korea introduced ugly neon green number plates for company cars worth more than $58,000. Luxury car sales fell 27%. Sahil Note: I love creative incentive systems.
  • The Telugu-language action film Devara: Part 1 made more money ($5.5m) in US cinemas than Francis Ford Coppola’s $120m Megalopolis in its first week ($5m). Sahil Note: My mom is a Telugu speaker, so this one was fun to see!
  • Ozempic seems to be changing the second hand clothes market, creating a surge in plus-size women’s apparel sales. Size 3XL listings have doubled over the last two years. Sahil Note: The second and third order effects of these drugs are going to be fascinating to observe.

Worth a few minutes of your time.

The Grow30 Challenge

Sahil Bloom

Welcome to the 242 new members of the curiosity tribe who have joined us since Wednesday. Join the 57,887 others who are receiving high-signal, curiosity-inducing content every single week.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content,

just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • mldsa
  • ,l;cd
  • mkclds

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of"

nested selector


Framework to start 2025 with growth:

The Grow30 Challenge

January 1 always marks a special opportunity: An opportunity to build momentum and kickstart your journey toward your vision for the future.

Unfortunately, as we all know, most of the time, our ambitious list of New Year’s Resolutions quickly becomes a list of regrets by the second or third week of the month.

I’ve been there: My list of failed resolutions is long and painful.

But there’s a secret cheat code that we all have access to that will keep us on track to execute: Accountability.

So, this January, I invite you to join me and many others for a journey to growth, leveraging the power of community accountability.

Welcome to The Grow30 Challenge:

5 simple daily actions for 30 straight days, specifically designed to create dramatic progress across the five key areas that contribute to a high-performing, healthy, wealthy life.

Every single day, you will complete the following:

  1. Time Wealth: 30 minutes of focus work on your priority tasks.
  2. Social Wealth: Text, call, or connect with one new or existing friend or family member.
  3. Mental Wealth: 5 minutes of free-form journaling.
  4. Physical Wealth: 30 minutes of movement.
  5. Financial Wealth: 10 minutes of learning or skill-building.

By the end of the challenge, you will have built incredible momentum:

  • 900 minutes of focused work will create dramatic progress
  • 30 social interactions will drive new feelings of connection
  • 30 journaling sessions will improve your clarity and mental health
  • 900 minutes of movement will improve your physical health
  • 300 minutes of learning and skill building will set you up for new growth

The Grow30 Challenge has just three simple rules:

  1. Every day, you have to complete all five actions (you are the judge, this is your life, so it's an honor system).
  2. Send a photo completing one of the actions with the word “Done” to the community chat when all five are completed.
  3. Leave a 👏 on someone else’s photo to support others in the community.

We have a bright year ahead of us. Let's start it with a bang. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

To join the official challenge and get started:

  • Step 1: Order one copy of The 5 Types of Wealth. The timing is perfect, as the book will arrive right when you finish the challenge, arming you with the information and actions to continue on your growth journey.
  • Step 2: Submit your information and order number at the link below and you’ll be sent the access details for the private challenge community, as well as a detailed guide and Grow30 Challenge Tracker.

SPECIAL NOTE: I will be donating all of the royalty proceeds from the book sales for every participant who completes The Grow30 Challenge to a charity of the community's choosing (ideally one supporting children's education). Let's grow together and make the world a better place while we do it.

Join The Grow30 Challenge!

Question to uncover the answers in life:

What answers are hidden in the actions you avoid?

Here's a powerful truth: Every single thing you want in life is on the other side of something you don’t want to do.

The answers you seek are found in the actions you avoid.

It's tempting to think that you can plan your way to a better future—that you can sit where you are and plot the perfect course.

But there is no escaping these truths:

  • The body you seek is found in the workouts you avoid
  • The relationships you seek are found in the hard conversations you delay
  • The clarity you seek is found in the walks you skip
  • The purpose you seek is found in the focused work you neglect
  • The success you seek is found in the hours of execution you put off

What are the answers you are currently seeking in your life?

Is it possible that they're simply hiding in the actions you're avoiding?

The answer is found in the action. Remember that.

Quote on the power within:

"You've always had the power, my dear. You just had to find it for yourself." - Glinda the Good Witch, The Wizard of Oz

The power is always within you.

The hard part is remembering that in the moments when you need it most.

(​Share this on X/Twitter!​)

Old story I found interesting:

I recently came across the story of the Scorpion and the Frog:

A scorpion is sitting on the bank of a river, unable to cross to the other side because it can’t swim.

The scorpion sees a frog in the water and asks, "Can I ride on your back to get to the other side?"

The frog is understandably hesitant and replies, "No, you’ll sting me!"

The scorpion was ready for this concern and answers, "No, I wouldn’t do that, because if I sting you, we’ll both drown."

The frog, convinced by this response, agrees to the arrangement, but when they're halfway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog in the back.

As it starts to sink, the frog asks, "Why did you do that? Now we're both going to die!"

With its last breath, the scorpion shrugs, "I couldn’t help it. It’s my nature."

The most common interpretation of the story is that we should trust in our intuition about the danger someone poses to us. The frog's instinct was correct, but it was swayed by the words of the scorpion, which put it in danger. The scorpion is the person whose nature makes them dangerous to you. Never let their words convince you otherwise.

I'd like to add one additional thought to the conversation:

We are all scorpions in our own way. We have certain aspects of our nature that are likely to be dangerous to someone else out there if we allow them to be.

But we should never hide behind our nature. We should never say "I couldn't help it. It's my nature."

You are not your nature. You are your actions. You are in control. You get to choose. To hide behind our nature is to give up our power. Take back that power.

Fun read filled with random facts:

52 Things I Learned in 2024

I look forward to this list from Tom Whitwell every single year. It's filled with interesting (and very random!) learnings that are fun to browse through.

A few favorites from this one:

  • To highlight tax evasion, South Korea introduced ugly neon green number plates for company cars worth more than $58,000. Luxury car sales fell 27%. Sahil Note: I love creative incentive systems.
  • The Telugu-language action film Devara: Part 1 made more money ($5.5m) in US cinemas than Francis Ford Coppola’s $120m Megalopolis in its first week ($5m). Sahil Note: My mom is a Telugu speaker, so this one was fun to see!
  • Ozempic seems to be changing the second hand clothes market, creating a surge in plus-size women’s apparel sales. Size 3XL listings have doubled over the last two years. Sahil Note: The second and third order effects of these drugs are going to be fascinating to observe.

Worth a few minutes of your time.